Here you can find some information about projects I have worked on. These include work projects and side projects. In each post, I explain the idea or problem, the solution and what I learned during the project.
Note: this section is a work in progress. I will be adding more projects and details in the future.
Web app that would allow users to save online articles they want to read.
It generates an audio version of the article using the Azure text to speech API, and then give them a podcast feed so they could listen to the articles using their podcast player app.
This uses the Astro framework, SQLite for the database and Bullmq for the background task queue.
I led the project management and development for a bespoke survey platform for Association for Children with a Disability (ACD).
Traditionally surveys for children with disability are completed by their parents, but ACD wanted to create a survey that children could engage with independently.
We planned and designed an inclusive and accessible survey that would allow children to answer questions with text, uploading a picture or recording their voice.
We built this using the Eleventy static site generator, the Vite bundler connected to a Gravity Forms WordPress backend.
Traditionally Easy Read documents are published as PDF files online, but this isn’t ideal for accessibility or usability
Using the static site generator Eleventy, I set up a process for turning Microsoft Word working files into accessible HTML versions that work better on mobile, are faster to produce and work better for assistive technology users.
Using the Azure AI Speech API, I added the ability to generate an audio version that would highlight the text as it is read out.
I was working on a project where we needed to write alternative text for dozens of complex graphs.
I created a little web app using petite-vue that would allow us to copy and paste in a text template, and then values to fill the template, and it would automatically update the output.
The web app allowed the user to save configurations in their web browser using the LocalStorage API.
Web app to automate repetitive tasks when making a PDF accessible.
When we create an Easy Read PDF at the Information Access Group, we must do a few manual tweaks to the PDF in Acrobat, including manipulating the order of tags.
I worked out how to automate some of these tasks using the pdfassembler NPM library.