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Making a web app for previewing Resident Advisor event lineups with Astro and HTMX

6 min read

As I’ve been exploring the world of electronic music through DJ mixes, I’ve been using Resident Advisor as a source of inspiration. If I find a DJ I like (for example, Folamour), I look them up on Resident Advisor, and look at their upcoming and past events. If an event looks interesting (for example, this Vortex closing party gig), I’ll browse through the artist lineup, and look up each artist on Soundcloud, searching for tracks longer than 30 mins, to get an idea of what they sound like. If I like the sound of the mix, I’ll save the mix to my yt-dlp podcast feed and check it out later.

As an aside, if you’re not into electronic music, you can do something similar with Songkick - you can look up an artist, look at their list of past events and see which artists they’ve played gigs with. This can be an interesting way of exploring a scene if you’re not familiar with a band or artist. A few months ago I made a web app combining Songkick, Bandcamp and Discogs data to help research music.

I’ve started experimenting with a little web app to make the Resident Advisor + Soundcloud exploration process a bit faster. It’s a simple web app that takes a Resident Advisor event URL, and then scrapes the artist list and allows me to search Soundcloud for the artist name for tracks with a duration longer than 30 mins. For each of the search results, I include a button that loads the Soundcloud embed iframe onto the page, so I can click through the mix and preview it. You can have a look at the repository on GitHub.

Getting data from Resident Advisor and Soundcloud

To get this working, I started with a basic Astro starter and wrote a couple of scraping functions for Resident Advisor and Soundcloud:

For the Soundcloud embeds, I clicked on the ‘share’ -> ‘embed’ button and then copied the <iframe> code, then found that I could substitute a track ID and get the <iframe> code for any track. This is good enough for my purposes!

Astro and HTMX

For the interface, I used HTMX. For most of my little web apps, I try to keep it super simple with HTML forms in a ‘multi-page app’ style. But HTMX feels like a good fit for this project because the interface is a bit more interactive. As you look up multiple artists and preview multiple Soundcloud mixes, the user stay on the same page rather than opening new pages and needing to click ‘back’ over and over again.

Overall, I am on board with the HTMX philosophy of adding interactivity to HTML. I like how it fits into the ‘older’ way of doing server-rendered web development. However, I think adding client-side interactivity to HTML is an inherently complicated process that requires quite a bit of thought. What is a page, and what is a fragment that gets loaded onto the page? Which actions are worth doing a full page navigation, and which actions can be done while the user looks at this page? I get tripped up by those sorts of questions. Most of the time, I think it’s simpler to just do a full page navigation if it doesn’t harm the user experience too much.

Astro and HTMX are an interesting combination. Astro is a framework for building server-rendered, HTML-first webpages using JavaScript as the server-side language. It seems like some people in the HTMX crowd use HTMX because they don’t want to use JavaScript at all, and would rather use another server-side language like Go, Rust or Python. But NodeJS is what I’m comfortable with, and I think it makes a pretty good match. As of October 2023, there is a bit of extra work to make them play nice together, because by default when Astro renders a webpage, it includes the <!DOCTYPE HTML> and <head> tags, whereas HTMX just wants the HTML fragment. But it looks like the Astro team is working on this in an RFC.

I ran into one issue trying to include HTMX in my Astro HTML template. HTMX is available on npm (npm install htmx.org) and after you install the package, the production JS file is available at node_modules/htmx.org/dist/htmx.min.js. So all I needed to do was include <script src="/path/to/htmx.min.js"></script> in my HTML template. But this is a bit trickier to do, because Astro and Vite processes and bundles all script tags by default. After a bit of trial and error, I found a note in the Vite docs about explicit URL imports which solved my issue. Basically, the way to get the URL of a JavaScript file in node_modules in a .astro component is to add ?url to the end of the import path:

import HtmxPath from "htmx.org/dist/htmx.min.js?url"

<script src="{HtmxPath}"></script>

Originally published on by Larry Hudson